
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

CAP 5 Section 15 (Present Progressive)

Hola clase!

Hoy miércoles primero de marzo, vamos a trabajar la sección 15 del CAP 5 [Present Progressive]. These are the steps you need to follow in class:

- As soon you enter to the classroom, go over pages 73 and 80 in your Suple. Mater. Do the exercises with a 'companero de clase'. Use your Puntos de partida if you do not understand section 15 (pp. 165-166).

- Once, you are done with it, start with the following exercises:

a.- Select the correct form of "estar":
b.- Rewrite each sentence using the present progressive:

- By the end of the class, you will have learned how to work with Present Progressive in Spanish.

Buena suerte a todos, nos vemos en clase!


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