
Friday, March 31, 2006

Practiquemos para el examen # 3

The exam covers Chapters 5 and 6. It is three pages long.


I. Comprensión Auditiva.: You will read six statements, then listen to a passage in Spanish which will be read twice. Then you’ll indicate whether the statements are cierto o falso: (6 x 2 = 12)

II. Preguntas Orales: You will hear five questions. They will be read twice. You will answer each one with a full sentence in Spanish. You can’t take any notes. (5 x 3 = 15)

III. Vocabulario: You will identify what’s happening in 2 drawings, using words from the new vocabulary. (10 x 1 = 10)

IV. Situaciones: You will write in Spanish responses in a dialogue described in English, from the point of view of the one of the people in the dialogue. (5 x 3 = 15) V. Gramática: There are 4 sections that concentrate on different grammar topics: You have to write 4 commands; you have to answer questions using direct object pronouns; you have to make 3 comparisons; and in the last section there are a variety of grammar points and you must choose one of several words in parenthesis to complete a paragraph. (36 points)

VI. Lectura: You will read a passage then answer 4 comprehension questions. Some are multiple choice, some are cierto-falso. (4 x 3 = 12)

Vamos a practicar!!!

SPAN 1115 EXAMEN 3 (Práctica) Primavera 2005

I. Comprensión Auditiva.: You will read six statements, then listen to a passage in Spanish which will be read twice. Then you’ll indicate whether the statements are cierto o falso: (6 x 2 = 12) (Go to Supplementary Materials page 70)
Ask a classmate to read this text to you, and listen to her/him:

Buenos días, radioyentes de Dallas. Ahora el boletín de las ocho. Otro día soleado aquí en Dallas, con temperaturas máximas alcanzando los ochenta y cinco (85) grados y las mínimas tal vez bajando hasta los cincuenta (50) grados esta noche. Para mañana, se espera otro día muy agradable, despejado, con vientos leves del norte.
Buenos días, Philadelphia. El servicio nacional climatológico les trae las últimas noticias sobre la primera tempestad del invierno. Está nevando fuertemente ahora, con acumulaciones en algunas partes de Philadelphia de hasta 14 pulgadas, con temperaturas máximas solo alcanzando los treinta y cinco (35) grados. Esta noche, se espera temperaturas bajando hasta los quince (15) grados. Por suerte, mañana va a dejar de nevar. Va a hacer sol, pero continuará el frío intenso.
Buenos días, Miami. Les traigo el boletín del mediodía. No salgan hoy sin impermeable, porque se esperan lluvias torrenciales para hoy, continuando por la tarde. El frente tropical llegó, y ya está lloviendo a cántaros en algunas partes de Miami. Debido a las lluvias, la temperatura ha bajado desde un alto de noventa y dos (92) grados hasta la temperatura mínima actual de setenta y cuatro (74) grados. Para mañana se espera otra vez lluvia y muchísima humedad.
Buenas tardes, Los Angeles. El servicio nacional climatológico advierte que, otra vez, los niveles de smog han alcanzado niveles peligrosos. Hoy se espera que el tiempo va ha seguir igual que ayer, nublado, con temperaturas máximas llegando tal vez a los sesenta y cinco (65) grados y las mínimas bajando hasta los cincuenta (50) grados. Para mañana, se espera un día de sol con una leve subida de temperatura.
Buenas tardes, Chicago. Aquí en la ciudad ventosa se espera un día típica de invierno, con un viento fuertísimo del lago Michigan y un frío intensísimo. Se espera que la temperatura máxima alcanzara los veintiséis (26) grados, con temperaturas mínimas bajando a los doce (12) grados esta noche. Mañana va a estar nublado, con posibilidades de nieve en la tarde y en la noche.
Answer in your S.M. (p.70) El boletín metereológico

II. Preguntas Orales: You will hear five questions. They will be read twice. You will answer each one with a full sentence in Spanish. You can’t take any notes. (5 x 3 = 15)
Ask a classmate to read this questions to you, and answer each question as soon as she/he finishes each of them:

¿Cuál es tu estación favorita?
¿Qué haces cuando estás nervioso?
¿Cuál es el plato que se come después del plato principal?
¿Qué platos sabes preparar?
¿Qué restaurante recomiendas para una cita romántica?

III. Vocabulario: You will identify what’s happening in 2 drawings, using words from the new vocabulary. (10 x 1 = 10)
Look at your blackboard

IV. Situaciones: You will write in Spanish responses in a dialogue described in English, from the point of view of the one of the people in the dialogue. (5 x 3 = 15)

1. Prof. Ghersi asks a student from the class for his homework, and he explains that he just got the e-mail she had sent two days ago with the assignment.

2. A student from the class is going to have a party at his apartment for the end of the semester. What kind of advise you give to him?, using a command.

3. One of your classmates is going to Cusco (Peru) to do hiking during Summer vacations. She asks you if you know the country, how do you answer at her questions?

4. The same classmate asks you if you know anything about Cusco. How do you answer?

5. You know South America has more places than The United States to do outdoor activities, how do you say that in Spanish using comparisons?

V. Gramática: There are 4 sections that concentrate on different grammar topics: You have to write 4 commands; you have to answer questions using direct object pronouns; you have to make 3 comparisons; and in the last section there are a variety of grammar points and you must choose one of several words in parenthesis to complete a paragraph. (36 points)

Sección 1: Your friend is coming to Gainesville to visit you, write 4 commands saying what kind of weather we have these coming days and what kind of clothing she/he needs to bring to Gainesville.

Sección 2: You are buying cloths (unos pantalones, unas sandalias, una camisa y un cinturón). How do you say:
I want (querer) them in a bag………………………………………………………..
I am going to put (usar/llevar) them (los pantalones) on right now…………………
I want (querer) it (la camisa) in white with pink flowers……………………….……
He is going to put (llevar) it (el cinturón) on…………………………………………
I am not going to buy (comprar) them (las sandalias)……………………………….

Sección 3: Make tres (3) comparisons:
¿Qué te gusta más: el hígado o el pescado?..................................................................
¿Quién es más bonita: tu novia o tu hermana?.............................................................
¿Qué clase te gusta más: la de español o la de inglés?..................................................

Sección 4: Grammar points to be checkeb in class: Supplementary Materials pages 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 and 93.

VI. Lectura: You will read a passage then answer 4 comprehension questions. Some are multiple choice, some are cierto-falso. (4 x 3 = 12)
Lecture will be one of the texts from Puntos de Partida, chapter 6 (p.220)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Commands (Imperative Form)

Formal Commands

Commands are used when ordering, or telling someone to do something. This is often referred to as the "imperative" form of the verb.

Compre Ud. el anillo.
(You) Buy the ring.

Venga a clase mañana.
(You) Come to class tomorrow.

Compren Uds. los libros.
(You-all) Buy the books.

Vengan a clase mañana.
(You-all) Come to class tomorrow.

By now, you are well acquainted with the fact that Spanish has both a formal and an informal style of speech (tú / Ud.). This distinction applies to commands.

Compre Ud. el anillo.
Buy the ring. (formal)

Compra (tú) los dulces.
Buy the candy. (familiar)

Informal, or familiar, speech is used among friends, coworkers, relatives, or when addressing a child. Formal speech is generally used to be polite or to express respect. For that reason, the formal commands are often referred to as polite commands.
The formal commands are formed the same way as the present subjunctive:
1. Start with the yo form of the present indicative.
2. Then drop the -o ending.
3. Finally, add the following endings:

-ar verbs:-e (for Ud.), -en (for Uds.)
-er and -ir verbs:-a (for Ud.), -an (for Uds.)

The following examples of formal commands use three regular verbs: hablar, comer, and escribir.

Hable Ud. más lentamente. / Hablen Uds. más lentamente. ---> Speak more slowly.

Coma Ud. la cena. / Coman Uds. la cena. ---> Eat the dinner.

Escriba Ud. la carta. / Escriban Uds. la carta. ---> Write the letter.

Remember, if the first person singular (yo) form is irregular, that irregularity is carried over into the formation of the formal command.

Tenga Ud. un buen viaje. (yo tengo)
Have a good trip.

Traigan Uds. dinero para ir a Oaks Mall. (yo traigo)
Bring money in order to go to the Oaks Mall.

Vengan Uds. temprano a Gainesville para ir a Saint Augustine. (yo vengo)
Come early to Gainesville in order to go to Saint Augustine.

This also applies to stem-changing verbs.

Cuente Ud. conmigo. (yo cuento)
Count on me.

Vuelvan Uds. pronto. (yo vuelvo)
Return quickly.

Pidan dinero a sus padres para venir a Gainesville. (yo pido)
Ask for money to your parents in order to come to Gainesville.

As with the present subjunctive, the following verbs are irregular:

dé Ud.
den Uds.

esté Ud.
estén Uds.

vaya Ud.
vayan Uds.

sea Ud.
sean Uds.

sepa Ud.
sepan Uds.

Note that affirmative and negative commands use the same verb forms.

Hable Ud. ---> Speak.
No hable Ud. ---> Don't speak.

Coma Ud. ---> Eat.
No coma Ud. ----> Don't eat.

Escriba Ud. ----> Write.
No escriba Ud. ---> Don't write.

Also note that the subject pronouns Ud. and Uds. may or may not be used. Using them adds a degree of formality or politeness to the command.

Hable. ---> Speak.
Hable Ud. ---> Speak (sir). (more respectful)

Coma. ---> Eat.
Coma Ud. ---> Eat (sir). (more polite)

Let's add two flashcards for the formal commands:

Verb Flashcards

Formal Commands (Imperative)
Use the present subjunctive forms

Hable Ud. ---> Speak.
No hable Ud. ---> Don't speak.

Coma Ud. ---> Eat.
No coma Ud. ---> Don't eat.

Escriba Ud. pronto. ----> Write soon.
No escriba Ud. pronto. ---> Don't write soon.

Irregular Formal Commands (Imperative)
Same irregulars as the present subjunctive forms

Dar ---> dé Ud. / den Uds.

Estar ---> esté Ud. / estén Uds.

Ir ---> vaya Ud. / vayan Uds.

Ser ---> sea Ud. / sean Uds.

Saber ---> sepa Ud. / sepan Uds.

Homework: Write a paragraphe telling your friend what she/he should wear when she/he comes to visit you to Gainesville, and send it to me via e-mail to, I will help you with your grammar. Have fun!

Friday, March 24, 2006


Hola clase!
As we planned on Wednesday, today we are going to work with the following song: ELLA. Follow all the instructions posted:


This song is played by the rock band Bebe. I would like you to go over the English version and then fill in what you think should belong in the blank. In this song, you will see two different kinds of blanks. First, you will go over this kind of blank: (_______), you need to find a verb for it. Two, once you are done, go over the blank: (……..), for this kind of blank you need to think of all the reflexive verbs, Direct Object Nouns and Pronouns. I will attach my PowerPoint about Direct Object pronouns in order to help you. Have fun learning!

SHE by Bebe

She’s gotten tired of throwing in the towel
She is removing little by little her spiderwebs
She has not slept this night, but she is not tired
She did not look at any mirror, but she feels pretty anyway.

Now, she has put on mascara
Now, she likes being happy, she feels a new woman
Now, she dreams what she wants without worrying about anything
Now, she is a woman who realizes she has a soul

Now, you are going to find world is only for you
That nobody can hurt you, nobody can hurt you
Now, you are going to understand that fear can be broken with a single slam
Now, you will make other people smile because you got tired of weeping, of weeping
Now, you are going to be able to laugh at yourself and see that you have achieved your goals

Now, you are going to be the woman that you want to be
Now, you are going to love yourself as you never knew you could
Now, you are going to look forward because you already have been hurt enough
A brave woman, a smiling woman, !look how it goes!, !ha!

Now, was born the perfect woman I was expecting and she has broken the established rules
Now, she wears heels so everybody knows about her steps (she is getting her goals)
Now, she knows her life nevermore will be a failure.

Now, you are going to find world is only for you
That nobody can hurt you, nobody can hurt you
Now, you are going to conquer heaven without looking how high is from earth
Now, you are going to be happy though winter is cold and is long, and it is long
Now, you are going to be able to laugh at yourself and see that you have achieved your goals

Now, you are going to find world is only for you
That nobody can hurt you, nobody can hurt you
Now, you are going to understand that fear can be broken with a single slam
Now, you will make other people smile because you got tired of weeping, of weeping
Now, you are going to be able to laugh at yourself and see that you have achieved your goals.

ELLA por Bebe

Ella ......(1) ha cansado de tirar la toalla
va quitando poco a poco telarañas.
No ha dormido esta noche, pero no ______(2) cansada
____(3) miró ningún espejo, pero .....(4) siente "toda" guapa.
Hoy, ______(5) .....(6) ha puesto color en las pestañas.
Hoy le _________(7) su sonrisa, ____(8) .......(9) siente una extraña
____(10) sueña lo que _________(11) sin preocuparse por _______(12)
Hoy es una _________(13) que ........(14) da cuenta de su alma.
Hoy ____(15) a descubrir que el mundo ____(16) sólo para ti
que ______(17) puede hacerte daño, ______(18) puede hacerte daño
_____(19) vas a comprender que ___(20) miedo
____(21) puede romper con un sólo portazo.
Hoy vas __(22) hacerte reír porque tus _______(23)
se han cansado de ser llanto, de ____(24) llanto.
Hoy vas a conseguir reirte hasta de ____(25) y _____(26) que lo has logrado.
Hoy vas ___(27) ser la _______(28) que te de la gana de ser.
Hoy .......(29) vas a querer como _______(30) .......(31) ha sabido querer.
Hoy vas a mirar pa´lante que pa´ atrás ya .......(31) dolió bastante
Una mujer valiente, una _______(32) sonriente, ¡mira como pasa!, ¡já!

Hoy, nació la mujer perfecta que esperaba y ha roto sin pudores las reglas marcadas.
Hoy ha calzado tacones para hacer sonar sus pasos.
Hoy sabe que su vida ______(33) más será un fracaso.
Hoy vas a descubrir que __(34) mundo ___(35) sólo para ti

que _____(36) puede hacerte daño, nadie puede hacerte daño.
Hoy vas a conquistar ___(37) cielo sin _____(38) lo alto que queda del suelo.
Hoy vas a ser ______(39) aunque el invierno sea _____(40) y sea largo, y sea largo.
Hoy vas a conseguir reirte hasta de ti y ver que lo has logrado.
Hoy vas a descubrir que el mundo es sólo para ti que _______(41) puede hacerte daño, nadie puede hacerte daño.
Hoy ____(42) a comprender que el miedo se puede romper con un sólo portazo.
Hoy vas a hacerte reír porque tus ojos se han cansado de ser llanto, de ser llanto
_____(43) vas a conseguir reirte hasta de ti y _____(44) que lo has logrado.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Links to contact people from Latin American countries

Do you want to practice your Spanish?
Get in touch with this people. Open these links:

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

CAP 5 Section 15 (Present Progressive)

Hola clase!

Hoy miércoles primero de marzo, vamos a trabajar la sección 15 del CAP 5 [Present Progressive]. These are the steps you need to follow in class:

- As soon you enter to the classroom, go over pages 73 and 80 in your Suple. Mater. Do the exercises with a 'companero de clase'. Use your Puntos de partida if you do not understand section 15 (pp. 165-166).

- Once, you are done with it, start with the following exercises:

a.- Select the correct form of "estar":
b.- Rewrite each sentence using the present progressive:

- By the end of the class, you will have learned how to work with Present Progressive in Spanish.

Buena suerte a todos, nos vemos en clase!

CAP 5 Section 15 (Present Progressive)

Hola clase!

Hoy miércoles primero de marzo, vamos a trabajar la sección 15 del CAP 5 [Present Progressive]. These are the steps you need to follow in class:

- As soon you enter to the classroom, go over pages 73 and 80 in your Suple. Mater. Do the exercises with a 'companero de clase'. Use your Puntos de partida if you do not understand section 15 (pp. 165-166).

- Once, you are done with it, start with the following exercises:

a.- Select the correct form of "estar":
b.- Rewrite each sentence using the present progressive:

- By the end of the class, you will have learned how to work with Present Progressive in Spanish.

Buena suerte a todos, nos vemos en clase!

CAP 5 Section 15: Present Progressive

A Edú y a Mariagracia les gusta ir a los juegos mecánicos. Todos los fines de semana, ellos salen con su mamá y su papá al parque y luego a los juegos mecánicos. A Edú no le gustan los dulces (chocolates y caramelos), pero a Mariagracia sí le gustan, especialmente los chupetines (lolypops). ¿Qué está haciendo Edú?, y ¿qué está haciendo Mariagracia?. A Rita, la mamá de Edú y Mariagracia, le gusta tomar fotos de sus hijos, ¿quién está tomando esta foto?, ¿a ti también te gusta tomar fotos?

CAP 5 Seccion 15: Present Progressive

Al papá de Mariagracia y Edú, Juan Manuel, le gusta jugar con sus hijos durante su tiempo libre. En esta foto, ¿qué está haciendo Juan Manuel con Mariagracia y Edú?, ¿qué está haciendo Edú?, y ¿qué está haciendo Mariagracia?.